2015 – Hoffman Bikes – The Countdown

Le 19 Novembre 2015, Hoffman Bikes lançait sur Youtube un compte à rebours de 43 jours, histoire de fêter le 25ème anniversaire de la marque en 2016 ! Grosso modo un petit clip par jour jusqu’à fin 2015, soit 43 vidéos, qu’avec les moments forts de ces 25 dernières années et les anecdotes qui vont bien… Si vous l’avez raté, y a option rattrapage :

. 43 – Naissance d’Hoffman Bikes

« The Countdown Has Begun. In 1991 Mat Hoffman needed a bike he could trust with his life… That’s when Hoffman Bikes and the Condor Frame were born. »

. 42 – ’92 Original Team Rider – Mat Hoffman

« Today, we celebrate Team Rider No. 1, Mat Hoffman. The OG of all the Hoffman Team OGs. Before 1991, Mat Hoffman was already pushing the limits. Starting Hoffman Bikes allowed Mat to push BMX riding and product design to a whole new level – for everyone. We thank you Mat Hoffman for being a driving force in making BMX what it is today! »

. 41 – ’92 Original Team Rider – Dave Mirra

« After Mat Hoffman started Hoffman Bikes, he recruited an inspiring team to help push BMX and product design to the next level. Mat was blown away by Dave Mirra’s talent, who at that time was one of the youngest pros competing. In late 1991, Dave Mirra joined Hoffman Bikes and his career history speaks for itself.
Dave’s natural unique riding style was a great fit with Hoffman Bikes and the Hoffman Bikes team. It’s an honor to have Dave a part of Hoffman Bikes history. »

Et pour voir les 40 autres clips, il suffit de cliquer sur la photo, là en-dessous :




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