1992 – The Rider Cup Video

La vidéo officielle du célèbre contest anglais depuis le Spitalfields Market de Londres, avec notamment Dave Mirra, Mat Hoffman, Dennis McCoy, Chase Gouin, Jamie Bestwick, Simon Tabron… Street, rampe et flat s’alternent, entrecoupés d’images de dirt (KOD ABA), de skate ou encore de roller et de snowboard… Une vidéo produite et commentée par Colin Bennett.

Victoire de Mat Hoffman en street. Puis victoire de Dave Mirra (RIP) à la rampe, pendant que Jamie Beastwick se fracasse en 900 et que Mat Hoffman s’explose gravement l’épaule en balançant un énorme flair…

Dans son bouquin « The Ride Of My Life », Mat évoque ce contest et les conséquences irréversibles de sa lourde chute : « Our next overseas travel adventure was the Rider Cup in England. The Cup was one of the first contests to blend skate and bike events together under one roof with a street course and vert ramp. Riders and skaters from all over the world were there. It was a bad contest for me for a couple of reasons. First, it started out bad-I’d blown up the transmission in my car on the way to the airport. But by the time I’d arrived in England, I was ready to work out some tension. I found the vert ramp to my liking and was quickly clocking airs fourteen feet out, doing high tailwhips, 540 variations, and keeping my legs busy kicking through, around, and over my bike. My runs were interrupted by a steady stream of shoulder-shearing slams, flat tires, and more bike borrowing. At the end of the day I took myself out for good with a flair to chainring hangup-1 pitched forward into the flatbottom and stuck out my arms to break my fall. Bad move. I didn’t know it at the time, but I’d completely torn the rotator cuff and inherited arm and shoulder problems forever. I’d already had one surgery to repair my right rotator cuff, so I had a sinking feeling I was in for some more time under the knife. »




French BMX History